Little hearts

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Second Post!

Omg 0.0 Today i woke up at 5:41 and I never do HaHa x I dressed quickly and done my hair. I went on msp and 4 people were online. One of them was Alishak,I asked her:
Don't mind my neat handwriting :'D I used "BAMBOO"
  for it.. (: my pen tablet :p

This is Ridiculous! LOL not really, this is how my friend list looks in the morning.. about 8:00...impressed? no never had 518 friends online.. hmm.. :o
 Was messing about in the shops today maybe I should get this,yeh?..

I really like The Purple One&Blue Defiantly,but not too keen
 on the pink but doesn't mean I hate it >.>
Tell me what u think... (:

Honestly  this girl's crazy I was just messing about with her but now she seems a little bit crazy this is on my bro's account :D
oh man... :D
 Out of my whole load of pets I would pick..
 This little fella-My Little unicorn called ♥oreo
who would you pick?


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