Little hearts

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Third Post :o :p.

This girl's really nice I met her in the game area,Catwalk (Level 3+) She's level 3.. so erm the only thing worries me about her is that she.. hates highscore ppl? x oh come'n! the only one thing why she hates them is that they don't add her.. she wants Candired to add her.Sorry Roxy I can't do anything about it!U will have to live without Candi! 

U know she is a highscore moviestar so give respect to her.. she doesn't want to add u because she's "mean" she's a drop dead wonderful gorgeous person u know.She has feelings to.It's not that she doesn't want to add u.. maybe it's just that she has too many friends&it laggs so much if u do.. like me >.< I do not have the same amount as Candi but obviously  she can't or she can? Talk to her.. Maybe she doesn't want to or doesn't have time.Just don't insult her :o
 You're a BIG girl now,u can ask yourself -.- :D

I luv these kind of artbooks they're heart-touching :')
  Awwh makes me want to cry D':

 It certainly changed a lot over the last few days :o :p WOW! look at roxy go! xD

 I really want to be level 12! :3 please help hearts <3


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Second Post!

Omg 0.0 Today i woke up at 5:41 and I never do HaHa x I dressed quickly and done my hair. I went on msp and 4 people were online. One of them was Alishak,I asked her:
Don't mind my neat handwriting :'D I used "BAMBOO"
  for it.. (: my pen tablet :p

This is Ridiculous! LOL not really, this is how my friend list looks in the morning.. about 8:00...impressed? no never had 518 friends online.. hmm.. :o
 Was messing about in the shops today maybe I should get this,yeh?..

I really like The Purple One&Blue Defiantly,but not too keen
 on the pink but doesn't mean I hate it >.>
Tell me what u think... (:

Honestly  this girl's crazy I was just messing about with her but now she seems a little bit crazy this is on my bro's account :D
oh man... :D
 Out of my whole load of pets I would pick..
 This little fella-My Little unicorn called ♥oreo
who would you pick?


Friday, March 29, 2013

So my first ever post Love It Or Hate It!

So this has  been annoying me for couple days _._ About this girl "totallymadeupname" right what she did was i was friends with her and she was "crying" because she wanted me to give her a wishy for 4 greetings  and did. I buyed her shoes from her wishy for 775 sc and when i clicked on her profile she blocked me. i blocked her before, i was heart brokened :'( here's how she looks

 So i told princess 770 my good friend that she did do that and here's the convo: 

so I did&she never wrote to me back O.O

Nevere thought of being on my blog eh? 
This is all from her,Please Be Careful!
