Little hearts

Friday, April 26, 2013

(: Happy

Hi Hi Hi Hi xD so Yayy I've finished my room :'
 It's fab! I<3 It (:

so This is my new look so "choco-chip-(chocolate)" cute >.<

So I got my mag today :p BE JEL! it's awesome<3 Just look at it :d
  Basically If U go to my room u will see My Limited Edition baby tiger<3 so cutee I luv it x U get a little sketchbook with the magazine plus the reedem code that gived u 1,000 starcoins and the baby tiger C: so it's fun! Now altogether I have 2 msp magazines :>) yayy! ^.^

I was thinking maybe I should change my whole face ;3 Like this:



  Yepp so yeh I dunno :'(

Wanna share this awesome convo with lottiedoll<3
   And last comment I made :P
 Pwahahahaa xD awesomee chat x

So  Yeh xD Made my day from running away from school trouble :3


Sunday, April 21, 2013


I absolutely Hate this kind of ppl. Right D:
Right I give u an auto&I expect a greeting back as U said. Like I have respect ok? Like seriously What the... I'm saving up for my wishy right!  do not want ppl to LIE about this kind of stuff. I've been working hard saving up money on my back accounts and mine to finish  decorating my room. I think that is an absolute mistake u have done as pootecat.Ppl have no respect to me X( I think aswell I wil have to block u.DOT. Omg Do these kind of ppl do that to ppl ALL the time O.e awwh poor them :3

Friday, April 19, 2013

Omg I adore Khloe Kardashian! I<3 U Khloe! You're my fav! ^.^ I wanna be like U<3  xD
AHHHHH! thrift shop Lover Yo!
Come On ^.^
These r so freakking cutee<3 (in a good way obviously) I love them >.< but can some1 help me get them from my wishy! plzz? :( I really want to organise my room and it will be really nice when done! ;) well melady. is kind of getting me un-excited now like Come On!
I'm like am i getting it now? cuz she promised xD


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Okayy Help (:

Hiyya peepz, take a look at this (:

Sorry for small pics on my lappy :3
so erm.. u guyz can help me get these things by watching my shorties ok? yeh yeh ok fine xD

So if u have facebook (like me) I certainly want my gorgeous fans to try this! (only on facebook chat >.<)

Okayy so yeh ^.^

Thank Yuh


Monday, April 15, 2013

Level 12! Yayyy!

Omg yayy yayy yayy! Level 12 FINALLY! so happy >.< 
Soz on my Laptop pic's r kind of smaller but I don't really care! Don't mind peepz xD
So obviously there was nothing special to choose so I got the baloon to match my room :D so happy u wouldn't believe  (when I'm writing this face: -_- lol xD) So  yeh...yayy!


Sunday, April 14, 2013

OMG Lilly that's wrong! We don't want her to quit wdf? like seriously that's is freaking mean u know I don't want to offend u but yeh WE WANT HER TO STAY!? what has she done to u?
 Hasn't replied yet -________________-

And well I need FAME! duh :( i'm sad since I got this much left u know..

  Like r u joking me? I've been waiting for this moment 4 EVER! x'(

I luv This Look Like Omg so in luvee with it ^.^
 AND I want u guyz to watch my shorties xD to help me get this look:

Sisters xD
 xD Sistah!

Guyz&Remember I will do 20 Shorts later!~Bye-Baii


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Mystic Luuve

Omg Mystic You're the best person ever (not trying to offend any1 here not even my besties ;) ) I <3 U soo much if u know what i mean x in a bff way *hugs* Thank Yuh soo much for this greeting... This is actually a second greeting from Mystic omg she made me realise she is one  of the most important ppl on msp I Luv Yuuuuuuhhh hope u read this as an  important bff message as I do, Luv Yuh!


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Thank Yous to hottie898989

Thank U Hunni Aww so thoughtful! (:
 hottie898989 gave me a greeting instead of an auto awwh I Luv U for this! Not Literally.. As friends on msp :'D Thank U so so Much! You're honoured to be on my blog :p

Friday, April 5, 2013

No More!

Wedding Over!
I Hate U Luke with all my heart sorry to say..
U proposed to me yesterday, your sister told U I was a cheater so U found another girl&Proposed to her The same Day? Who does your sister think she is? She doesn't know me so stfu -_____- if I know what that means :o (: Okayy This is ridicilous You're a Player! Of course! I don't Blame U >.<

 That was before,Please look throu the picture clearly starbabexxx Look what would he have had done to U? This is after I told him..

 No I don't U cheater! Blame Your sister not me!


Our Photoshoot Be Jel xD Post 7 (:

Today *Smile* Still malling! xD peepz<3U
Haven't got pics of malling (Already did in the last post) but this is mine&Mystic's Photoshoot yayy ^.^ Lots of love to Mystic<3

 That was our photoshoot BWAHAHAHA good times with mystic Love U<3


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Oh yeaaa Post 6 ,is it :o.. erm letmme check ;3

Just Hanging about in the mall xD got some pics of random&friends ppl.. I guess they're all my friends (: all funny!
 Dragon Mall! Best Mall Evah<3 more pics ^.^
 Omg! Look at Elizafw! awesome :p
 :o O.O Me? Diving B-)
 Having fun yet? HaHa :'D
 Oh yeaaa!

With all my heart,i dedicate.. not joking! Ok..
<3 dragon mall 4evah! 


Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Been Worried bout' Emily :3 She feels like no1 cares about her but I do Emily I DO! think about that! :') But u ask alot about giving u greetings&buying u wishy's sorry but I can't.. I have my own problems on my head like buying 6 boonies.. but always there for Yuh,Don't forget that :/ Love Yuh <3
 Missing old Emily who always knew that every1 cares about her :') Love Yuh Emily&Always will! <3 <3 <3

Rockinchic02 so sweet<3 <3 Chuu (:

 Got new eyes&lips Today cool cat Lips 4ever<3!

My boonies r so huge now,so cute ^.^ even one has cute little gum shoes :o
I will let the pictures tell the story <3