Little hearts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Late Emotional Christmas speech! ♥

Omg hey u guyzzzzzzzz! I MISSED U SOO MUCH U WONT BELIEVE!... I ♥ U!! Anywayz.... lol love ya hope u had a lovely 

Christmas Tell me what u got! Message me on moviestarplanet Vampire Girl lolz obviously. I got:
It's basically a wooden professional picture painting art set,if u know me u know I love art and My grandad got me that which was super sweet x
Also a Tiger mint sweater,violet skinny jeans and some I meant ALOT of sweets so thats was basically it from my parents.
I know I didnt get much but I got a phone for my birthday so thats why,Iets enjoy the year with our new gifts and use them as much as we can! :) 
I also give me heart and love out to,to the people who dont have a family who live on the street and cant or dont celebrate christmas like us who dont get gifts and dont get treated so well who commit suicide who are starving everynight trying to get some food and also the cruelty with animals which have been going for ages just broke my heart :'( It's been such a  Happy Christmas for people but not all,remember that theres other people to care about as our family,we're one big family ♥ I Hope someone out there helped a million of  

people and made them happy as a 6 year old 

getting an Iphone. I hope u all understand the 

power of christmas! Love ya'll! 

I dont want to waste ur time.... I DO 

ACTUALLY I DO.. but erm please take a 

minute and subscribe to Eldad Hagar on Or atleats take a minute to watch a few of his  videos. He's an amazing guy with his amazing crew and rescues and takes care for dogs and finds them a home. Just such a inspirational and emotional feeling u get when u watch a video of his. I cried..... Once  while watching a video of his it was a dog dyeing but trying to rescue him :'( I know u might not wanna see this but I just cried to the bottom of my heart :( u dont have to but it shows how u care and love if something happend to ur pet u would die ♥ not really but die inside a little bit. U know.. D: but anywayz Love u!
